Croatia takes over the IHRA Presidency

International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Dubrovnik Plenary, 11-15 June 2023

International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Zagreb Plenary, 27-30 November 2023


The Croatian Presidency of the International Holocaust Alliance Commemorated the 85th Anniversary of the November Pogrom


The Croatian Presidency of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) commemorated the 85th anniversary of...

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#ProtectTheFacts Campaign Toolkit: Roma Genocide Remembrance Day

Join the #ProtectTheFacts campaign on social media and raise awareness of the genocide of the Roma

#ProtectTheFacts is an international initiative of the European Commission, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the United Nations, and UNESCO.

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Discrimination against Roma has persisted for centuries. It played a crucial role in the genocide during the Nazi era and continues to affect people’s lives, even today.

We all need to do our part to #ProtectTheFacts and stand united against discrimination.

Anti-Roma discrimination has existed for centuries. It was an essential ingredient in the genocide of the Roma, and it still impacts people today. 

We need to #ProtectTheFacts and stand together against discrimination, so we can build a society that values everyone.

Today, we honor the memory of the countless Roma people who were killed during the Nazi era.

By committing to #ProtectTheFacts of this genocide, we strive to prevent such acts of discrimination and violence from happening again.

Anti-Roma racism and discrimination has a long and ugly history. Join @EU_Commission @OSCE_ODIHR @TheIHRA @UN @UNESCO and stand against it.


On 2 August, we pay tribute to the memory of the countless Roma individuals who were murdered during the Nazi regime.

When we #ProtectTheFacts and spread awareness of this historical truth, we work towards a more inclusive and compassionate future.

Taking action to remember the genocide of the Roma is everyone’s responsibility.

A Global Campaign: #ProtectTheFacts

What is Holocaust distortion

It has become shockingly common on a global scale for governments, leading public figures, and others to minimise or misrepresent the impact of the Holocaust and downplay the crimes of the Nazi regime.

This is Holocaust distortion: rhetoric, written work, or other media that excuse, minimise, or misrepresent the known historical record of the Holocaust.

About Protect the Facts

Protect the Facts is an international initiative of the European Commission, the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the United Nations, and UNESCO, who have joined forces to raise awareness of Holocaust distortion – both how to recognise it and how to counter it.

Why is it dangerous?

Holocaust distortion, like Holocaust denial, damages the memory of the Holocaust and is an insult to its victims and survivors. It is the greatest contemporary threat to the legacy of the Holocaust.

Join this global campaign to
