Stockholm Declaration
The Declaration of the Stockholm International Forum on the Holocaust is the founding document of IHRA and it continues to serve as an ongoing affirmation of each IHRA member country’s commitment to shared principles. The Declaration was the outcome of the International Forum convened in Stockholm between 27-29 January 2000 and attended by the representatives of 46 governments.
2020 IHRA Ministerial Declaration
In January 2020, 20 years since the founding document of IHRA, the Stockholm Declaration, had been adopted, IHRA Member Countries renewed their strong commitment to ensure the world remembers the Holocaust and to contribute to a world without genocide by adopting the IHRA 2020 Ministerial Declaration. It is meant to keep governments accountable to the promises made in it and guide IHRA’s work for years to come.
IHRA Guidelines for Identifying Relevant Documentation for Holocaust Research, Education and Remembrance
Recognizing and Countering Holocaust Distortion: Recommendations for Policy and Decision Makers
IHRA Recommendations for Teaching and Learning about the Holocaust