Since our generation is the last to have had the opportunity to know Holocaust survivors and witnesses, remembering the Holocaust is more important than ever before. As the last witnesses to the Holocaust leave us, the whole world must decide what the future of global Holocaust remembrance will look like without them. We need to ensure that the Holocaust is not left only to books, films, archives and museums, but instead to preserve the living memory of the darkest period of history in order to prevent genocide and mass crimes.
We owe it to our children and future generations, because history must help us enlighten the future and build a more tolerant world in which our differences will be more respected and which will be more humane.
The aim of the Future of Remembrance Initiative is to give the IHRA greater visibility, while at the same time safeguarding contemporary memory by developing digital technological solutions, promoting tolerance and the IHRA definitions, and combating hate speech in sport. This will make Holocaust remembrance, combating antisemitism and anti-Roma discrimination more accessible and relevant to all generations, despite their age and locality. The Croatian Presidency will be about proving that the Holocaust is not just about the past, it is also about the present, but most importantly, it is about the future.